Massage and the guilty concience …

How many of you have ever thought: ‘ I would love a sports massage today, but I just feel too guilty to lay down and do nothing for an hour, when I should be out there thrashing it out in training ?’ Well, here’s the thing: having a massage as part of your recovery once a week is not ‘ doing nothing’. It is actually doing exactly what you should be doing : helping your body recover and then go out and train harder. Sports massage has the proven ability to dampen down post exercise inflammation. Put simply, massage helps to stop your muscles flaring up after training hard and decreases DOM (delayed onset muscle soreness). So next time you are face down on the massage table, just remember this IS part of your training. Sports massage is not called sports for nothing and you are not doing nothing. So just enjoy the process and rest assured it’s not all pain for no gain  🙂
