Massage Therapy and Running Therapy
Massage therapy and running for therapy are a great combination ! Turns out you really can get to a place in your running, where you can actually relax, despite the fact that you are breathing at a higher rate than just sitting down with a cuppa. After a while it really doesn’t seem to register, that you are putting an effort in to keep going and all you can think about are where to focus your mind. I find running as therapeutic as lying down for an hour of massage therapy. It’s just a different kind of therapy. Running, that feeling of being in the moment and not anywhere else, not thinking anything else but putting one foot in front of another can really be an enormously liberating experience. Simply the fact that you can not physically be in any other place, time or situation that climbing up that hill give me a clarity of thought, which is hard to achieve in many other situations. Massage can work in a very similar way: Why wish yourself somewhere else, when it is perfect just right here where you are, right now? One of my customers calls that EWOP: Everything works out perfect! I tend to think that on a really good run, this is the feeling often described as akin to meditation: The feeling that whatever it is – worked out perfect. Great run, perfect! Great massage, perfect! And tomorrow is another day for all the other stuff , which distracts us from the reality that if we put our mind to a task, we can usually take decent strides towards it. Motivation is an essential part of getting you off the couch or getting you to your next massage. Both of which are a real validation of the idea, that therapy is really just time out for yourself to contemplate the fact that here and now is perfect!
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