Massage Therapy Auckland
What is Therapeutic Massage Therapy?
Massage Therapy Auckland can help relieve pain or reduce stress and will usually work on a specific problem as described by the client. Generally therapeutic massage will include deep tissue massage and Swedish massage techniques to help alleviate symptoms of muscle tightness or fatigue. We offer massage therapy from just $49 for 30 minutes (or see our concession cards). You can find us right in the CBD.
Massage uses specific techniques to stretch and lengthen connective tissues and muscles, bringing wellness, a sense of relaxation and mobility to the client. One of the primary goals of Therapeutic Massage is to speed venous blood return from the extremities (arms and legs). Therapeutic Massage shortens recovery time from muscular strain by flushing the tissue of lactic acid, uric acid, and other metabolic wastes. It improves circulation and stretches the ligaments and tendons, keeping them supple and functional.
Massage stimulates the skin and nervous system. It reduces stress, both emotional and physical, and is suggested as a regular treatment for stress management. It also has specific clinical uses in a medical or remedial therapy program.
Therapeutic Massage is greatly beneficial and can reduce symptoms by relaxing the tension in the muscles, stimulating the flow of blood through the muscles, breaking down and eliminating toxins, enhancing oxygenation of the brain and relaxing the nervous system and mind.
If you are experiencing muscle tightness from recurring physical exercise of exertion or recurring strain from any repetitive activity at work or even sitting at your desk for long hours, Massage Therapy Auckland can help alleviate symptoms of pain and strain on your body. Neck and Shoulder pain as well as lower back pain are very common ailments and in most cases, if no other underlying medical reason is the explanation, massage can help.
Give us a ring on 0800 100 368 or drop us a line today to find out if therapeutic massage may be able to help with your symptoms.

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