Events, events, events

This is the time of the year, when many of our clients come to put all that training into practice and take part in all sorts of events – I love it! There are way to many to share, but here just a shortlist of what people have been up to :   

Darryl did the pioneer. He’s a handy cyclist, our Darryl. But even he said to me: ‘ It is one of the hardest things I ever did and there were downhills, where I just wanted it to stop.’ Good on you, Darryl ! Been there, done that and got to the end loving it. I call that ‘Cyclists amnesia’ – you forget just how hard it was, as soon as you finished it.

The beginning of the annual ocean swim series means it’s the beginning of summer for many of our clients, but none more so than Lance, who also likes to put in the occasional ‘lazy’ 10k or 20k swim. And Katrina, who swam 160 k in 8 days around lake Taupo a couple of years ago, will do it all again this year ! We’ll keep you posted.

Ocean swimming

David and Warren will take on the 100 mile at Tarawera next weekend. I am in awe of you already.

Ironman New Zealand !

It will be our client Tony’s 10th time taking on Ironman New Zealand this year! She will join a very exclusive club, good for you , Tony! I asked her, what she will getting for her commitment over all this time and she told me, they will give her a free entry for another race. Awesome ! Or wait… is that a reward ? 🙂

Sports massage at events

People sometimes ask me, when to have their massage. Or if at events, should you have a massage at all. The answer is: these are two slightly different things. Massages leading up to events are often more specific and work directly on certain areas to stimulate recovery. Massage after an event is pure recovery massage to help decrease the onset of inflammation, rather than working deeply into an area.

I would always say, have your cake and eat it. Have a regular massage in preparation to avoid injury and also have massage after the event, to recover better the next day. Win – win !

Have a wonderful summer y’all, and keep us posted on those awesome events you are doing! Oh and BOOK YOUR MASSAGE !

Best as always,

Carmen @ Auckland Sports and Therapeutic Massage